Dreaming In Times Of Corona…

We can’t ignore it these days: the corona virus is raging all over Europe. We sincerely hope that you and your family are in good health and that you can be spared from covid-19!

We ourselves are lucky that, at the moment, no one we know personally has serious health problems due to the infection. We are very grateful for that. Like most people, we are closely following the evolution of the pandemic, not in the least because we are also dealing with the consequences of the emergency in Spain.   

Normally we would now bring our little paradise under the sun in full readiness to receive our first guests. But… we won’t get there. We are stuck in Belgium because Spain keeps the borders closed for those who are not Spaniards and are not (yet) residents. Of course, that’s pretty frustrating. We had already received a lot of bookings, but most of the guests have cancelled their reservation in the meantime, whether or not because their flights were cancelled as well. On the one hand this is of course very unfortunate, but we fully understand. Public health is the highest priority at the moment.  

On the other hand, the fact that we had already received so many bookings in a matter of weeks and without any form of marketing or publicity strengthens our conviction that Finca Soñada’s offer appeals to a lot of people. Enjoying a naturist holiday on a small resort in the middle of a quiet, natural environment clearly appeals to many of us. 

So we are more determined than ever to realize our dream! It will take a little more time to get to cruising speed, but that’s OK. It will give us the opportunity to grow in this new profession and to get to know the region even better. Our future guests can only benefit from this. We also want to make some investments faster than planned. But, more about that later.

In the very short term we will stay in our home and kill time by writing, playing sports and making music. Every Saturday at 20.00h we organize a ‘Beat Corona’ concert on facebook. It gives us a concrete goal and it gives a lot of people some musical distraction. You can follow these concerts live or watch the recording on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FincaSonada/.

As soon as the travel restrictions are relaxed, we jump in the car to head south! With in our trunk: a good dose of good spirits, maximally charged batteries and a cartload of fresh ideas to offer our guests an unforgettable stay. So long: take care of each other and stay healthy!


Un gran beso,

Luc y Valérie


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