RIP, Tommy

We are sorry to have to open this blog with some sad news. A while ago we had to say
goodbye to our sweet little male cat, Tommy. Tom was not what you might call a ‘runaway
cat’. In fact, he was already here when we came here, four years ago now, ourselves. Fair’s
fair: it wasn’t love at first sight. But after a few weeks, he allowed us into his territory. And
we subsequently took him in.

Tommy was a real hunter. He came home with all kinds of presents: birds, salamanders,
bunnies, yes even once a cute little snake. For him, hunting was not a hobby. During the
seven corona months when no one was on the property, his hunting instinct ensured that he
survived. Unfortunately, eating his prey more than likely caused him to become infected
with a virus that triggered leukemia.

At least, that was what the vet managed to tell us at our first visit, shortly after Tommy
decided to adopt us. Most kittens were said to only live about 2 years with that condition,
but Tommy was a fighter. He lived to be somewhere between 6 and 7 years old. All in all, a
short cat life, but a happy one. He loved being here. With us. We noticed that every day.

For example, by how he could sleep for hours on Valérie’s belly. How he could let himself be
pampered by us, but also by the many guests who knew how to gain his trust. And by how
he interacted with his younger buddy, Jerry. It was often touching to see how Tommy took
Jerry under his wing. To see how they played together, and sometimes fought. Although we
cannot look into his head, we feel that Jerry misses his companion. And that hurts extra, of
course. It leads us to consider opening our home and our hearts to a new resident.

But we’re not going to rush that. First, we want to spend another three months or so fully
focusing on welcoming our guests well. Seeing, hearing and feeling that they are enjoying
themselves and coming to rest here gives us enormous satisfaction. And it gives us the
energy to continue improving on this little nudist paradise. We are already brainstorming
regularly about what adjustments we’d like to make next winter!

Don’t want to wait until 2025 to (re)discover Finca Soñada? Want to enjoy the Spanish sun in
naked freedom asap? Then take a look here at the availability for the next few weeks.
Don’t wait too long, because there are not that many holes left in our calendar and mid-
October our gate will close until March ’25!

Un abrazo,
Luc y Valérie

Published on: 31 July 2024  -  Filed under: Uncategorized

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